There are a lot of good scripts out there to use for backing up your SharePoint. This one is one of my favorites:
Just download it, unzip it, create a folder to store your backups, share that folder complete the Params.xml and you're about ready to go!
Read this detailed instruction guide written by the scripts author for step-by-step instructions:
Here is another, and probably the best script for backing up your SharePoint Farm. It is written by John Ferringer, a SharePoint Guru -
If the Ferringer solution or the codeplex solution above seems a bit to daunting, you can copy and paste the powerhsell from this blog: into a .ps1 file and then set it up to run as a scheduled task using credentials that have Shell admin access and full control over the shared network location where the backups will be stored.
You'll need to share a folder for the script to write into. Here is the powershell script from bradcote with a few additional notes
# Backup all site collections in the farm, placing them in
# a directory on a shared location
# Note - Does not backup the /train site collection
# adds the SharePoint cmdlets to your powershell and effectively turns it into the SharePoint
#Management Shell
Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
# Take care of the disposable objects to prevent memory leak.
Start-SPAssignment -Global
# This is the backup path - must be shared with account that is executing the script and the
# farm account
# Remove all that backup folders created > 7 days ago
get-childitem $backupLocation |
where {$_.Lastwritetime -lt (date).adddays(-7)} |
remove-item -recurse -Confirm:$false
# Get current date for use in log file and format it to avoid
# invalid characters such as "/" and ":"
$today=Get-Date -format "MM-dd-yyyy"
# Create a folder in the backup location with todays date (sortable)
$todayFolder = $backupLocation + '\' + $((get-date).toString('MM-dd-yyyy'))
md $todayFolder
# Does not backup the /train site collection
# or the temporary web ap site collection on port 15702
# Disregard this, or use it, depending on whether you have a /train site collection, etc.
foreach ($site in get-spsite -limit all |
where-object -FilterScript {$_.url -notlike "*/train*"} |
where-object -FilterScript {$_.url -notlike "*15702"}) {
write-Host Start backing up $site to $todayFolder
try {
# Create a new backup file and name it based on current date.
# If you want to create only 1 backup file and overwrite it
# each time the backup is run, you can replace "$today.bak"
# with your desired file name.
$pathName = ($todayFolder + '\' + $($site.ID) + '.bak')
write-Host 'Backing up ' $site ' GUID = ' $($site.ID)
# This farm does not have Enterprise SQL Server, so snapshots
# cannot be used. This requires that the sites belocked for
# update during the backup, so this should be run after hours
Backup-SPSite -Identity $site -Path $pathName -EV Err
-EA "SilentlyContinue"
write-Host Backup succeeded.
# Write success message to the log file
write "$today $site GUID =
$($site.ID) successfully backed up.">>logFile
} catch {
write-Host Backup failed. See $logFile for more information.
# Write error message to the log file
# change the logFile to some other name if you want, e.g. BackupHistory.txt
$e = $Err[0].ToString()
write "$today $site Error: $e">>logFile
Stop-SPAssignment -Global
Remove-PsSnapin Microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
write-Host "Finished script."
This blog has another script that you can use, also an easier to use version:
Make sure to update these variables:
$logfile = "SPFarm-Backup-" + $(Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yy) + ".log"
$ConfigDB = "SP_Config"
$DBServer = "server"
$BackupConfigFolder = "\\server\SharePoint\Backup\Config"
$BackupSAFolder = "\\server\SharePoint\Backup\ServiceApp"
$AdminEmail = <a href=""></a>
$MailServer = ""
$FromAddress = <a href="">sharepoint.notifications
Microsoft TechNet - - Backing up a Farm in SharePoint 2013
Petri blog - backup and restore advice - Good Read
John Ferringer on backups -
Microsoft's scripting guy defers to John Ferringer - - same here
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